Dragon Ball Z Sagas

Dragon Ball Z Sagas

Image Dragon Ball Z Sagas
Total average:
Total votes: 89 votes
  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows 2000

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 04, 2021

  • "Fight with the characters from Dragon Ball Z"

Were you a fan of the adventures of Son Goku on TV? A whole generation discovered the world of manga thanks to the recreation of these epic characters as a cartoon series for kids. The animated series is famous all over the world, and has made its way into many other formats, including a card battle game and many video games, including this one: Dragon Ball Z Sagas for PC.

Many fans started to read manga thanks to the awesome Dragon Ball universe and the cartoons that went with it, and are now more or less experts when it comes to all things Dragon Ball Z. For any true fan who has enjoyed the video games before, or fans who haven’t played yet, Dragon Ball Z Sagas is something you simply must try out. It has lots of different characters recreated from the original manga, plus the fight scenes and the game universe where the characters all live. The game’s graphics engine is very powerful, and the fight sequences are very impressive, especially considering the game is free.

Possibly the only drawback of Dragon Ball Z is the sound track, as the music gets repetitive pretty quickly. But that’s easy to fix by just turning the volume down.